Monday, February 04, 2008

Barack Obama meets Web 2.0

Barack Obama's campaign page has a social network attached to it, accessible at  The social network offers a new twist on organizing grassroots campaigning by linking users of the site with people in their towns.  It also allows people to create fundraising events, and join existing events (akin to facebook events).  The site really embraces the whole web 2.0 mashup idea, with videos driven by the youtube mini-player, google maps mashups to locate events in your area, and facebook applications to link Obama to your page profile.  I'd be interested in seeing metrics for how this might translate into increased awareness / primary votes, but what is certain is that it offers a unique way for a candidate to organize campaign efforts in a central location.  Its especially beneficial, im sure, with the Super Tuesday vote complicating campaigning efforts.  His diehard supporters can independently organize large events, while requiring little effort on Barack Obama's part.

On a last note, Obama's site offers a calling option for his supporters to enter into his calling campaign, from the comfort and convenience of their own homes.  Again, I'd love to see metrics, but I'm sure this allows Obama to place a lot more phone calls than any of the other candidates.  If nothing else, I'm sure come 2012, a lot of these techniques are going to become a lot more commonplace in the candidates campaigning efforts.

1 comment:

TJGodel said...

I think Obama is the exception when it comes to understanding technology and having polices that are tech friendly.